The Story of the Cum Lauders (Part-5): I dedicate this to my Father

“Alhamdulillah, continue to thank Allah SWT for making it easy for me in every difficulty I face. Thank you to Mama who has become the strongest woman who supports me financially and motivates me to fulfill my promise to the Alm. Dear father. I dedicate this title to the late, you are in heaven”, said Artika, who thanked after being declared graduated and entitled to hold a Bachelor of Education (S.Pd.).

The hijab student born in Bandung, October 15, 1996 is the oldest daughter of two siblings. Now, this alumnus of SMAN 1 Rancaekek, the three of them live with their younger siblings and mother at Perum Bumi Rancaekek Kencana.  After their father left them more than 1 year ago. Her father was gone forever, when Artika was still studying in the 5th semester, when hea would face the toughest period in her studies, namely PI (Industrial Practice), RA (Agroindustry Research), KKN (Real Work Lecture), PPLSP and thesis.

Feel like giving up on this condition? There are, but one thing that is ingrained in her is that with difficulty there must be ease.

“Many valuable experiences while being a student”

This girl who likes reading and writing started the rhythm of student life in the PTAg study program in mid-2014 which began with a tight practicum schedule followed by deadlines for practicum reports and lecture assignments. Until Artika arrived to undergo PI at the QA (Quality Assurance) Department of a food company. PI gave her the experience of learning how to solve problems related to production, getting halal assurance, getting BPOM registration numbers, internal factory audits, making Japanese and Thai specwavers, and other experiences.

Another experience is RA, where Artika has to carry out various preliminary trials of pectin extraction in the context of RA research. He does this research every day from morning to evening, in the PTAg study program laboratory as well as the laboratory at FPMIPA UPI. The results of the research were presented in a seminar on the RA exam, which was carried out exactly 1 day before Artika left for the KKN village. When all students are released in the UPI gymnasium building to carry out KKN, they must be ready to face the RA seminar exam.

The KKN activity in Darmaga village, Subang Regency, provides many individual lessons, how to unify the contents of the head with many people she just met, how to maintain social life. And the end of the Community Service Program is not the end of the struggle.

A week after returning from the KKN village, Artika had to go to SMKN 1 Pacet, Cipanas to carry out PPL. In this place, students who aspire to become teachers or lecturers get a lot of experience and learn how to become a real teacher. She learned how to do all things related to learning, factory teaching administration and a number of other tasks such as being a dual skill assistant, taking part in Distance Education which was needed. She wanted to find students who wanted to go to school. In this school, Artika also conducts thesis research.

The thesis for Artika, is a different struggle because she needs it to help with PPL busy time at SMKN 1 Pacet Cipanas, first permission to guide her thesis with lecturers at UPI Bandung is not easy for her to get from PPL school. One time, Artika had to block heavy rain in Cipanas to go to Bandung because he had to carry out a thesis proposal seminar the next day.

“It feels like now, and I can hardly believe that I have become a bachelor, because of the series of struggles and memorable experiences that have been passed”, especially that Artika has experienced times as a practicum assistant (asprak), as well as a lecturer assistant in one of the courses so that she the sensation of struggle in order to provide the best for the students. Therefore, he expressed his gratitude to all the lecturers of the PTAg study program for their guidance.

Are there any special tips so that you can graduate quickly and get cum laude?

Artika answered straightforwardly, “Nothing. The key is to be patient in doing everything, confident that Allah promises us in every difficulty. And don’t work. When a business has been completed, then do other business. “

Barakallah Artika.

Hopefully it will become an inspiration for other intellectual fighters of PTAg Study Program