“Having fun in college, that’s the key. Happiness will be obtained from ourselves, not sought. If we are happy and sincere to study, both in class and outside, it will be fun, ”said Tomi, who earned the cum laude predicate with a GPA of 3.85 at the end of semester 7.
Agus Tendi Ahmad Bustomi, his full name. The eldest son of 4 siblings was born in Garut, July 29, 1998. After completing his studies at SMAN 13 Garut, he was accepted as a student of the Agro-industrial Technology Education (PTAg) study program through the Bidik Misi Scholarship 2017.
What was his impression during his study at the PTAg Study Program?
“it’s very, very enjoyable. There is so much new knowledge that is extraordinary. The knowledge learned is interesting. Most of the knowledge that is learned is quite applicable so that it greatly affects my lifestyle, especially directly or indirectly. For example, when in a supermarket, the duration of choosing a product will be longer because you pay more attention to the composition and raw materials of the product to be purchased hehe”.
During his time as a student, this son of Mr. Olih Solihin received proud achievements, including the 3rd Winner of the 2019 LKTIN FEMI UNJ and the 2019 UPI Achievement Award for the category of the LKTIN competition. In addition, Tom is active in student activities. He is a member of UKM Hallyu Up!
“This UKM is based on edutainment. My position is General Manager of HRD. My duties include recruitment, interviewing new members who can reach more than 100 people, becoming Project Leader in big UKM events”.
Tomi feels that his activities at UKM provide a lot of experiences such as organizational knowledge, editing, communication, and other soft skills that are packaged with fun yet educational characters/edutainment (education and entertainment).

Are there any tips or messages for your younger siblings on campus?
Know yourself first, like knowing your own strengths and weaknesses, then how to react to them. During college, identify your own learning style, and if there is any course material that you find difficult, ask friends and lecturers.
“Don’t be shy to ask! The lecturers in the PTAg Study Program are very good, so don’t hesitate to ask questions 🙂 “, he said” very “many times to convince me.
After getting S.Pd., what was Tom planning to do?
“Working and continuing to study the Fast Track S2-S3 TEKKIM ITB program”, the answer was firm and definite. Aamiin, we hope this cumlauder from Garut will be facilitated in achieving his hopes and dreams.