The story of the cum-lauders (part-10): 3B

Nani Yuliani, one of the students who got a Bachelor of Education degree, after passing an online thesis exam on Wednesday, June 3, 2020, she has 3B principles.

“Try, pray, be patient. I only apply this 3B in life. Be the best version of yourself. Your job is not to solve problems but to face problems, because when you are able to meet the challenges in front of you, you are already extraordinary enough. For me, failure is when we are not sure we can. Don’t stop, because when we stop delaying work, we wait success. Be enthusiastic and believe that you are His best work. “

That spirit accompanied the student who was born in Cianjur, May 26, 1998 when she took his undergraduate education at the Agro-Industry Technology Education Study Program (PTAg). Whereas initially PTAg was not the study program she dreamed of, nor was it in accordance with her life goals so she felt unsure, not confident in implementing it.

So, what made this alumni of SMAN 1 Sukaresmi Cianjur successfully graduated on time, and even became one of the first graduates of class 2016 to win the cum laude predicate with a GPA of 3.82?

“My enthusiasm began to grow when I met lecturers and friends who always cheered me on, and at the same time Allah gave me a good GPA. Alhamdulillah. Since then, all the challenges on campus ranging from KKN (real work lectures), PI (industrial practice), RA (agro-industrial research) that made me feel like giving up, PPL (field experience program) and the last thesis I could pass. I believe studying in PTAg study program is part of God’s plan and the best for me. Alhamdulilah, so far I am grateful to be able to learn here. The PTAg study program is enjoyable, there is a good relationship between lecturers, students and other employees, so that it makes academic and non-academic activities run comfortably. I grew up dedicated to always be passionate about learning and never give up in my pursuit of success.

“Do not give up”. Nani, she was not allowed by her parents to study due to financial constraints. However, the daughter of the couple Mr. Uum Supriadi and Mrs. Titin was able to convince her parents not to worry about financial problems, and she remembered one of her teacher’s messages that economic issues are not a barrier to success. Alhamdulillah, this student who likes reading and listening music had the opportunity to get a Bidik Misi scholarship. Even during college, he tried to meet his financial needs by teaching private lessons, and selling credit between his busy studies and student organizations such as BEM-DPM HIMAGRIN, IMTEK FPTK and Kopma Bumi Siliwangi. 

What are your plans after graduation?

“In accordance with my heart I want to become a teacher and if there is sustenance I want to continue to a higher level (S2)”

From the start, she didn’t want to worry or bother her parents, so after this study, she could make as much money as possible at least to support himself.

May all your wishes come true, and your knowledge will be of use to as many people around you as possible. Congratulations. Barakallah.
