The spirit of achievement in the midst of a pandemic

When the Covid-19 pandemic hit the world, academic activities were diverted to their homes, studying from home, studying online. However, this did not dampen the enthusiasm of Agricultural Industrial Technology Education (PTAg) students to excel. On this national education day (hardiknas), two 2017 PTAg students made achievements in the national level competition held by PT. Research of Nusantara Plantation (RPN): Design of Posters in the Context of National Education Day 2020 with the theme “Benefits of Tea, Coffee and Chocolate for Health”. Rama Tiyana won 3rd winner and Alfernia Robbidian as the best nominee. They are entitled to a certain amount of money as a prize which has been informed by the committee.

“Actually, I joined this competition just to fill my time to be more productive. I think if I only do my college assignments I will get bored. So I look for other activities that are not stressful but hone my creativity. What’s more, I stay at home so I have a lot of free time. Incidentally, my lecturer gave me information about this competition, so I was interested”. That is what motivates Rama to take part in the competition. He did not expect to win, mostly if the battle was on a national scale and the participants were general so that anyone could participate. But he remains optimistic, being in the top 10 is grateful.

The poster designed by Rama with the title “The Benefit of Coffee” is quite informative and educative. In the sign, he shows the types of coffee beans in Indonesia as one of the largest coffee producers in the world. In addition, he also explained the compounds contained in coffee beans and their health benefits. Rama also included several references to scientific works in his poster, although he admitted that it was quite difficult to find related references, especially from international journals. Even so, he wanted this information to be enjoyed by all groups, not only students, so he designed his poster to be more concise and lighter so that his message could be conveyed.

Alfernia also includes several scientific references in her poster entitled “Healthy with Chocolate”. The sign informed that chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine, which are compounds that work in the nerve center which in specific amounts can improve mood. “Yesterday I had difficulty finding a tool / application to design it, because we are using a parent’s laptop that does not have an application for graphic design, and there are also a few obstacles in downloading tools related to an unstable internet connection”, said Alfernia. She shared that her design inspiration was a combination of his previous experiences when she was assigned to make posters in a course and study competition posters from the internet.

Yes, everything is done at home, you can work productively from home. Where there is a will, there is a way. Maintaining the spirit of achievement in the midst of a pandemic is always inspiring.

Good job guys.

We proud of you.

Barakallahu fii kum.

-mnh, design by sayyidah, cr.himagrin-