Muhammad Oka Ramadhan, who is called Oka, won second place in selection of outstanding students (“Pilmapres”), Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education (FPTK), held on February 10-11, 2021. Previously, Oka was selected as an outstanding student in the selection of Agro-Industrial Technology Education Study Program which was held on January 6, 2021.
In the FPTK “pilmapres”, Oka competed with 10 other outstanding students from all study programs in FPTK. The eleven students took a series of tests including: national insight test, academic potential test, written English test, presentation of scientific papers, interview “who am I?”, FGD in English, as well as portfolio assessment.

Oka, who is a student of class 2018, confidently presented his scientific writing and amazed the judges with his attractive appearance, even one of the judges commented:
“I said yes. Your idea is interesting, the way you convey is interesting, your presentation media (poster) is interesting. Hopefully you will pass to the national level.”
These comments did not fail to cheer up the “zoom meeting” chatbox, which recorded more than 300 support chats for Oka. The “pilmapres” presentation session was open to public, different from other test sessions. On that occasion, hundreds of Agro-industrial Technology Education study program students were also present in the virtual room to encourage all of “Pilmapres” participants.
The same thing was conveyed by other judges who considered Oka’s ability to construct ideas, respond to opinions, and convey his thoughts in English was very good. This can be seen from the results of the written test scores in English, the summary of scientific papers as well as their performance in FGD (focus group discussion) session which was held in English. In that session, each participant was given 30 seconds to think about an issue then delivered a “speech” within 5 minutes.

Although Oka’s performance was considered very good, his portfolio and other assessment was not enough to make him on the first place.
Congratulations Oka for your achievements. You have tried your best. Thank you for giving a great performance.