Agro-industrial Technology Education Study Program carries out Community Service in Increasing the Added Value of Melinjo Leather

Melinjo peel is a waste from melinjo processing, which has the potential to be developed into functional food because of its antioxidant content. The Agro-industrial Technology Education Study Program (PTAg) has succeeded in utilizing melinjo leather waste into a variety of interesting food products, are tea, nuggets, and crackers.

The development was distributed to the people of Karangtawang Village, Kuningan in the Community Service (PkM) activity, which took place on Sunday morning, September 27, 2020. About 32 residents consisting of the general public, MSMEs, and vocational school educators also attended the presentation of the material “Increasing the Added Value of Melinjo leather with High Selling Value” from Sari Nurmayani, S.Pd., and Lili Nailufhar, S.Pd. with product demonstrations from students.

The Head of Karangtawang Village, Pak Jaja, in his speech, said that one of the programs was community empowerment through UMKM. He hopes that PTAg UPI can help make this program a reality. Pak Jaja also expressed his gratitude to the group even though his village was in a green zone, but still implemented health protocols so that the number of residents involved in PkM activities was limited. All residents are required to wear masks and have their body temperature checked before entering the PkM activity room.

Karangtawang village is famous as a melinjo chip craftsman village, and Karangtawang chips are the hallmark of Kuningan. The utilization of melinjo leather, which is a waste from the processing of chips, is expected to increase the added value as well as the income of the people around Karangtawang village as an effort to implement “zero waste.” Those are the hopes conveyed by the Head of the Agro-industrial Technology Education Study Program, Dr. Yatti Sugiarti, M.P. in her speech.

The PKM activity received enthusiasm from the residents and hoped that the PKM could continue. One of the participants who attended asked about tips on marketing a product that is being developed. Therefore, it is necessary to have PKM follow-up activities. Today’s activity was closed by handing over placards to the Karangtawang Village Head and giving gift packages to all residents present. The souvenir package contains examples of melinjo leather tea products, nuggets and melinjo leather crackers produced by PTAg, certificates, masks, face shields, and hand sanitizers, which are also produced by PTAg Study Program. Hopefully, the knowledge and development research results that have been shared in this PPM are useful and bring blessings to all parties.